
Structured description properties

1. jps:agential

Property Name jps:agential
URI https://jpsearch.go.jp/term/property#agential

This property consists of information in a structured form on a person or organization that either contributed to the creation or is the subject of the content.

It includes the following sub-properties. The number shown in the square brackets [] indicates the number of occurrences within a single jps:agential property.

Describes a person’s or an organization’s relation to or roles in the content. The roles (.xlsx format, .ttl format) defined in Japan Search are used. In defining roles, major categories such as type:制作 (“Creation”) and type:公開 (“Made public”) are further subdivided into categories such as type:制作.編集(“Creation.Editing”) or type:制作.翻訳(“Creation.Translation).” (URI [1-n], type:Role)
Describes the person or organization related to the content. The value is the same as schema:creator, schema:contributor or schema:publisher. (URI [1])
Has a value and describes the name of a character in content such as a movie or a play as well as a picture of an actor dressed as such a character. (URI [0-n])
Contains descriptions from the source data prior to conversion into a structured value as well as other supplementary descriptions such as the role name specific to the field of the source data, the cast name, etc. (Literal [0-n])
Range type:RelationDetail
Data Type Structured value
Occurrence 0-n
    rdfs:label "仮名手本忠臣蔵" ;
    schema:creator chname:歌川国芳 ;
    schema:about chname:市川団十郎8代目 ;
    jps:agential [
        jps:relationType role:制作.絵 ;
        jps:value chname:歌川国芳 ;
        schema:description "絵師:国芳", "落款印章: 一勇斎国芳画"
    ], [
        jps:relationType role:内容.配役 ;
        jps:value chname:市川団十郎8代目 ;
        schema:characterName ncname:定九郎 ;
        schema:description "配役: 定九郎<8>市川 団十郎"
    ] .

2. jps:temporal

Property Name jps:temporal
URI https://jpsearch.go.jp/term/property#temporal

This property consists of information in a structured form about temporal aspects of the content.

It includes the following sub-properties. The number shown in the square brackets [] indicates the number of occurrences within a single jps:temporalproperty.

Describes temporal relations or roles in the content. The roles (.xlsx format, .ttl format) defined in Japan Search are used. (URI [1], type:Role)
Describes a normalized time range. The value is the same as the value for schema:temporal. It is refined by using the following sub-properties. (URI [1], type:Time)
Describes a normalized time range as the name of a period or era. (URI [0-1], type:Time)
Contains descriptions from the source data prior to conversion into a structured value as well as other information related to time. The months and dates under the year are only included in this property. (Literal [0-n])
Contains information that is not included in the source data but should be recorded as explanatory notes regarding conversion from the source data. (Literal [0-1])
Range type:RelationDetail
Data Type Structured value
Occurrence 0-n
    a type:陶磁 ;
    rdfs:label "色絵双鳳文皿";
    schema:temporal time:1701-1800 ;
    jps:temporal [
        jps:relationType role:制作 ;
        jps:era time:江戸時代 ;
        jps:value time:1701-1800 ;
        schema:description "時代世紀:江戸時代・18世紀"
    ] .

3. jps:spatial

Property Name jps:spatial
URI https://jpsearch.go.jp/term/property#spatial

This property consists of information in a structured form on spatial aspects (locations) of the content.

It includes the following sub-properties. The number shown in the square brackets [] indicates the number of occurrences within a single jps:spatial property.

Describes spatial relations or roles in (locations related to) the content. The roles (.xlsx format, .ttl format) defined in Japan Search are used. (URI [1], type:Role)
Contains information about location, that is normalized at the national or prefectural level. The normalized values consists of unique names only and do not include Japanese suffixes that indicate either metropolitan or prefectural governments, namely, to, do, fu, or ken. It contains the same values as schema:spatial and is refined using sub-properties. (URI [1], type:Place)
Contains information from the source data prior to conversion into a structured value as well as other information related to location. (Literal [0-n])
Contains detailed information about the location, such as latitude and longitude. When the source data has latitude and longitude information, it is represented by the location information URI of geohash.org. If the source data does not have information on latitude and longitude, the value will be based on the latitude and longitude of the spatial range (location) corresponding to the normalized value. Sub-properties are used to associate latitude and longitude values and the geohash URI of the area including the described location. (When the geohash URI of the described location consists of more than 6 digits, a 6-digit URI will be included in the sub-property jps:within. When the digits of the described location’s geohash URI are less than 7, the number of digits of the URI to be included in jps:within will be one less than that of the described location.) (URI [0-1])
Consists of the geohash URI that indicates the mesh containing the described place. The number of digits corresponds to the target granularity. Prefectures are identified by three digits, cities and municipalities by four digits, and block levels by six digits. (URI [0-1])
Contains information about location, that is normalized at the city or county level. (URI [0-1], type:Place)
Describes the URI of an institution if the source data of the place information is not a place name but an institution that estimates the place. For example, the first exhibition venue is the Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art. (URI [0-n])
Contains information that is not included in the source data cut should be recorded as explanatory notes regarding conversion from the source data as well as information added based on the descriptions of the source data. (Literal [0-1])
Range type:RelationDetail
Occurrence Structured value
Occurrence 0-n
    rdf:type type:植物標本 ;
    rdfs:label "コバノタツナミ" ;
    jps:spatial [
        jps:relationType role:取得.採集 ;
        jps:value place:高知 ;
        schema:geo <http://geohash.org/wvy6mc> ;
        schema:description "高知県土佐清水市" ;
        schema:geoCoveredBy <http://geohash.org/wvy6m> ;
        jps:note "元項目:緯度(十進数表記), 経度(十進数表記)" ,
            "元項目:都道府県(日本語), 郡・市区町村(日本語)" ;
        jps:region place:高知.土佐清水市 .
    ] .

    schema:latitude 32.75 ;
    schema:longitude 132.8 ;
    jps:within	<http://geohash.org/wvy6m> .

4. jps:partOf

Property Name jps:partOf
URI https://jpsearch.go.jp/term/property#partOf

This property consists of information in a structured form about relationship with higher level content (e.g. file and content, pages of a magazine, booklet and chapter, pages and lines, etc.).

It includes the following sub-properties. The number shown in the square brackets [] indicates the number of occurrences within a single jps:partOf property.

Describes what type of relations or roles the content has to the higher level content indicated in the jps:source property (to be explained later). The roles (.xlsx format, .ttl format) defined in Japan Search are used. (URI [0-1])
Describes the URI of the higher level content. (URI [1-n])
Indicates information on the part of the main content which corresponds to the described content, such as the page in which the content is contained. (Literal [0-n])
Contains descriptions from the source data prior to conversion into a structured value as well as information related to the main content. (Literal [0-n])
Range type:RelationDetail
Data Type Structured value
Occurrence 0-n
    a type:構成要素 ;
    rdfs:label "郊外の一景" ;
    schema:isPartOf work:拾遺都名所図会(日文研)#v4 ;
    jps:partOf [
        jps:selector "04頁" ;
        jps:source work:拾遺都名所図会(日文研)#v4 ;
    rdfs:label "拾遺都名所図会 巻之四 前朱雀" ;
    schema:isPartOf work:拾遺都名所図会(日文研) .
