
Simple description properties

1. rdf:type

Property Name rdf:type
URI http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type
Comment This property is for the content type of the item, expressed by the content class URIs defined at Japan Search. All content classes are a subclass of an overarching class: Descriptive Information Class.
Data Type URI (Use the content class URIs defined at Japan Search)
Occurrence 1

2. rdfs:label

Property Name rdfs:label
URI http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label
Comment This property is for the primary name to identify the content. IETF language tags are not attached.
Data Type Literal
Occurrence 1

3. schema:name

Property Name schema:name
URI http://schema.org/name
Comment This property is for titles, alternative names or aliases, transcriptions etc. Titles in English are indicated as such by the language tag. Where more than one name of the same language is listed, those different from the entry in rdfs:label are considered as alternative names. Although transcriptions can be provided either in Katakana or Hiragana, both scripts are tagged “ja-Kana” in Japan Search.
Data Type Literal (with language tags where necessary)
Occurrence 1-n

4. schema:contributor

Property Name schema:contributor
URI http://schema.org/contributor
Comment This property is for people, groups and organizations which contributed to the existence of the content, but are not its creator nor publisher. (These are described by schema:creator or schema:publisher respectively). The values of this property include the cast of movies and plays.
Data Type URI (the same value as the one for jps:agential/jps:value)
Occurrence 0-n

5. schema:creator

Property Name schema:creator
URI http://schema.org/creator
Comment The primary creator of the content.
Data Type URI (the same value as the one for jps:agential/jps:value when the value for jps:relationType is role:制作(creation) or its subclasses.)
Occurrence 0-n

6. schema:publisher

Property Name schema:publisher
URI http://schema.org/publisher
Comment The publisher of the content.
Data Type URI (the same value as the one for jps:agential/jps:value when the value for jps:relationType is role:公開 (made public) or its subclasses) .
Occurrence 0-n

7. schema:temporal

Property Name schema:temporal
URI http://schema.org/temporal
Comment Temporal information related to the content. It can be the time of creation, publication, subject or anything else.
Data Type URI of a temporal coverage, such as a year, a time interval, or an era (the same value as the one for jps:temporal/jps:value)
Occurrence 0-n

8. schema:dateCreated

Property Name schema:dateCreated
URI http://schema.org/dateCreated
Comment Date of creation. When the source data has the information of creation date, schema:temporal will have a value in URI format, while this property will have a literal value of the date.
Data Type Literal (Usually normalized in YYYY[-MM]. Time intervals are expressed in YYYY-YYYY.)
Occurrence 0-n

9. schema:datePublished

Property Name schema:datePublished
URI http://schema.org/datePublished
Comment Date of publication. When the source data has the information of publication date, schema:temporal will have a value in URI format, while this property will have a literal value of the date.
Data Type Literal (Usually normalized in YYYY[-MM]. Time intervals are expressed in YYYY-YYYY.)
Occurrence 0-n

10. schema:spatial

Property Name schema:spatial
URI http://schema.org/spatial
Comment Spatial information related to the content. It can be the place of creation, publication, subject or anything else.
Data Type URI of a spatial coverage. Normalized with the prefecture as the smallest unit within Japan, and country for those related to items outside Japan (the same value as the one for jps:spatial/jps:value).
Occurrence 0-n

11. schema:about

Property Name schema:about
URI http://schema.org/about

Subject and classification of, and keyword related to the content. The information is useful for refining the search. Kigo (seasonal words used in Japanese verses), biological classification, and historic spot names are used as keywords. They are structured.

Data Type URI
Occurrence 0-n

12. schema:category

Property Name schema:category
URI http://schema.org/category
Comment Classification category of Japanese cultural properties designated by national or local government, and other formal classifications applied to the content.
Data Type URI
Occurrence 0-n

13. schema:identifier

Property Name schema:identifier
URI http://schema.org/identifier
Comment Standard identifiers widely used for the circulation of the content and metadata, such as ISBN and DOI. Neither local identifiers used in individual databases nor call numbers used within each institution are included.
Data Type Literal (The identifier system is indicated as a prefix. E.g. ISBN:4-7615-0188-X)
Occurrence 0-n

14. schema:isbn

Property Name schema:isbn
URI http://schema.org/isbn
Data Type Literal (without hyphen)
Occurrence 0-n

15. schema:issn

Property Name schema:issn
URI http://schema.org/issn
Data Type Literal (with hyphen)
Occurrence 0-n

16. schema:inLanguage

Property Name schema:inLanguage
URI http://schema.org/inLanguage
Comment The primary language(s) of the content. When only part of the content is in a different language, e.g. English abstracts attached to Japanese theses, the language will not be described by this property.
Data Type URI (ISO639-2 Language code URIs provided by the Library of Congress)
Occurrence 0-n

17. schema:image

Property Name schema:image
URI http://schema.org/image
Comment Thumbnails and other informative images provided by the content provider or third parties such as Wikipedia Commons.
Data Type URI
Occurrence 0-n

18. schema:description

Property Name schema:description
URI http://schema.org/description
Comment Additional information about the content not included in the values of other properties.
Data Type Literal
Occurrence 0-n

19. schema:isPartOf

Property Name schema:isPartOf
URI http://schema.org/isPartOf
Comment Indicates content that this content is part of.
Data Type URI(the same value as the one for jps:partOf/jps:source)
Occurrence 0-n

20. schema:hasPart

Property Name schema:hasPart
URI http://schema.org/hasPart
Comment Link(s) to information that is part of or contained in the content. Since the information indicated by the schema:hasPart property is part of a single content, the schema:hasPart property may have a structured property as its value.
Data Type URI or structured value
Occurrence 0-n

22. schema:exampleOfWork

Property Name schema:exampleOfWork
URI http://schema.org/exampleOfWork
Comment When the described work is embodied as a physical object, information on that object is entered here.
Data Type URI
Occurrence 0-n

23. schema:workPerformed

Property Name schema:workPerformed
URI http://schema.org/workPerformed
Comment When a certain work is performed as part of the program of a performance or event, information on the work itself is entered here.
Data Type URI
Occurrence 0-n